
How to find your Happy Place

Resort Map

Sunday River is located in the mountains of Western Maine, about 90 minutes from Portland (Portland International Airport) and three hours from Boston (Logan International Airport).

Start typing "Sunday River Ski Resort" into your preferred driving or mapping app and the magic of technology should take over and get you here, but if you need a bit more information, this should cover it:

  • Sunday River Resort, 15 South Ridge Road, Newry, ME 04261
  • Grand Summit Hotel, 97 Summit Drive, Newry, ME
  • Jordan Hotel, 1 Grand Circle, Newry, ME (some apps place it at 27 Grand Circle)
  • Snow Cap Inn, 9 Snow Cap Road, Newry, ME

Driver's Guide to Maine

  • Tolls: Bring your Easy Pass for tolls on I-95 North in Hampton, NH and York, ME. Southbound there is an additional toll to enter I-95 in Maine.
  • Maine Turnpike / I-95: You'll find rest areas with gas and fast food in Kennebunk and Gray. Gray used to be Exit 11 but has been changed to Exit 63.
  • Speeding: Avoid a ticket and slow down for all intersections and towns on Route 26. Trust us.
  • Food: After exiting the Maine Turnpike at Gray you'll find fast food options 30 minutes north on Route 26 in Norway / South Paris. The Oxbow Beer Garden and Norway Brewing Company are recommended. In NH, the Redhook Brewery in Portsmouth is just two miles off I-95 on Route 16 north.
  • Groceries: The Hannaford Supermarket in Oxford, Maine (just before Norway / South Paris on 26) carries everything you'll ever need, and is open to 10PM (9PM Sun). One mile south on 26 is a Walmart. There's also a supermarket in Bethel