New or Novice Skiers and Riders
Beginners Guide

Take your pizza to french fries
Master the basics
Everyone starts as a beginner, no matter how old you are. Our SnowSports School is staffed with some of the most experienced instructors around who can help you become a more confident skier or rider.
Steps to Success
Make Reservations
First thing first: you need to figure out what type of lesson you plan on taking. If this is your first time ever on skis, we offer an Adult First Experience Lesson that also includes your lift ticket and equipment. Other lesson types do not include your ticket or rental equipment.
Lessons meet slopeside at South Ridge near the surface carpets. Staff will be located at each meeting point to help direct you toward your group. Adult First Time Experience lessons will collect their equipment in the Merrill Brook building, directly next to the lesson meet-up area.
Up and Away
About Chairlifts
Trail Markings

Green Circle: Easiest/Beginner Terrain

Blue Square: More Difficult/Intermediate Terrain

Black Diamond: Difficult/Advanced Terrain

Double Black Diamond: Most Difficult/Expert Terrain
Be sure to check out the trails marked on the Sunday River trail map. The colored symbols next to the trails indicate the difficulty of the trail.
You will also find them on posted signs on the mountain. On your first day, you'll want to look for the green runs. You'll find the easiest green runs at South Ridge.
Insider's tip: Dream Maker is a green trail but it's definitely not a green to attempt on your first day. Make sure you can confidently ski Lower Escapade before heading to Dream Maker.
Before you ride a lift, make sure the trail symbols off of that lift fit your ability. If you have any questions or need directions, talk to a lift attendant or another Sunday River Team Member. If you find yourself on a slope that exceeds your ability level don't be afraid to ask for help, call Ski Patrol at 207-824-5350.